Sunday, August 7, 2011

Why no daily posts?

I had the best of intentions to blog daily about ROAM (Roll Over America) but the reality of the trip makes that hard.  On a typical riding day we get up as early as possible (someone's alarm goes off around 5:30am). Then we pack up, eat something and get on the road as fast as we can.  For me that's been as early as 6:30 and once as late as 8:30.  The reason for this mad dash to ride in the cool morning rather than the hot afternoon.  That and the later you get into camp the less time you have for dinner etc.  Typically we ride 100 to 150 miles each day.  Prior to ROAM I had done one century ride, so this has been challenging.  Each day we have coffee break and a lunch break planned.  In Montana, which will take us 6 days to ride across there are only a million people (less than a third of CT's population) and great swaths of the state don't have cell phone service.

Location : 299-201 Front St, Miles City, Mt 59301,

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