Sunday, May 16, 2010

It's on!

The 2010 Terratrike Car Free Challenge that is. Which means that this is the third year of this blog as I started it for the 2007 Car free Challenge. The point of this is to not use the car for a month. I know I won't be completely pure (its really hard to transport teenagers on a one person trike and the tandem isn't complete yet).
Here's the trike after I returned from the store with a week's worth of of groceries.
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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Human Powered Vehicle Challenge at CCSU

Pictures from the Human Powered Vehicle Challenge East.

The Missouri S&T entry has to take the prize for coolest looking vehicle. The female member of the team (each team has to include a female rider) told me she'd gotten this baby up over 45 mph on the flat.